Quick question!


Hey guys, sorry for this post in this particular tag but I’m not sure where else to put it. I’ve been playing TSM a lot lately and I’m wondering about cc. Does TS3 cc work in the sims medieval? If not then were do I get content for TSM because I’m shit out of luck and can’t possibly find any. I’m stumped, any help for me? 

I made a post about this a while back here. Hope it helps.


replied to your photoset

“*waves* Playing Cities Skylines for most of the week. It had a big…”

Same here -____- only I’m playing Witcher xD I wonder when these spring depression times will end.

I don’t know but mine is running into Summer. We should all be happy and smiling except I feel all frown faced, grouchy, bitchy, mean, ect…… :(. I stopped taking that prescription sinus junk and am beginning to feel better. It just really messes with my blood pressure and makes me feel like crap instead of making it all better. blah! Witcher looks like fun but I’m just horrible at that type game and it makes me sea sick. Good times. lol


replied to your photoset

“*waves* Playing Cities Skylines for most of the week. It had a big…”



Playing Cities Skylines for most of the week. It had a big update and I’m loving the European buildings and tunnels added to the game. I showed pigs last time so here are cows and some random person dying in a cow chip sand pit. 

I also have several tags to do and will probably post them next week. Sorry for being lazy, not liking post on my dash and all that jazz. I’ve just not been in the Sim mood and you know (depressed – hate feeling like this). So sending you all lots of love and hugs. 

thank you so mucho!!!!


thanks to muy lovely mspoodle1 she help me get my game running again! now i can go in CAS and everything!

now i just have fix the choppiness

I’m so glad you got everything working. Sims 3 lag or choppiness is the games on worst enemy. It’s usually in game routing issues that are the culprit or graphics trying to be rendered that your game can’t handle (to many high poly stuff). These aren’t the only things that can make it act up. Of course mods and things can contribute.  

Helpful links – this, this, and maybe this

And as an fyi to everyone who uses SweetFX it will make your launcher not work. Remove the files and it will work again (please be careful and back the folder up before you delete anything – always backup your precious files). You don’t need the launcher to run your game except to maybe install a counter or pattern made with CAP – it just sucks up your computer resources. (yeah I’m not a fan of the launcher).

Anyways, tons of other tutorials out there for mod management, ts3 tools, and things so if you need anymore help I’ll be glad to assist if I can. 

Random thought of the day:


I wonder how hard it would be to make a canoe or kayak thing? It’d be so cute to have a decorative one (or two – one could lean against the wall). And one that could be used as a boat, similar to the little row boat.


You can always do the cheaty thing with meshes and go here or some place like this and get public domain models. Wouldn’t be to difficult since it would just be deco.



So irked at the moment. Just needed to type that…

I don’t get it either, but there are people who specifically track the ‘do not reblog’ tag just to reblog it.

I see that now. This person is doing just that. Fine if it’s just me (not really but whatever) BUT this had my niece in it and I would have preferred it not be reblogged. I guess you take that risk. It’s just super annoying that doucheeee people do doucheeee things. 

NRaas Settings


mspoodle1 mentioned you in a photoAdded some more Sims to the world. Verdejo,…

…I need to mention simsarahsarah ‘s list of settings…

Thank you for the mention! I’m so glad those settings helped you. 🙂

I did add some notes to the Relativity page after someone (anonymous) suggested it would be a good idea so I hoped they helped too. I’ve always had notes on my Story Progression settings as that mod is so complex I need the notes to remind myself why I chose them lol!

It’s my intention to add my other NRaas mods settings and more notes when I get a chance. In the meantime, if you or anyone else has a query about the mods, please feel free to send me an Ask. Or alternatively, come over to the NRaas Wiki and post a question in the  Chatterbox section. Free registration to the site is required for that though. 🙂

I would love to see your other settings. It must have taken you ages to type all that out (especially the retuner mod). That one in particular was most helpful because I totally didn’t know how to use it. My game will be so much better. Now I don’t have to wait for someone to make a mod to fix what is annoying me. I can just do it myself. 😉