A little fyi

Just updated my Tutorials page

Added all the stuff that I’ve been hoarding in my drafts folder for too long. Now it only has a healthy 200 post in there. Don’t ask what the beginning count was *cough 450 cough*

Your sims are adorable! Are there any simblrs that inspire you? ❤️


Oh my, thank you so, so much! It means the world to me that you like my sims, seriously! 


There are hella lot of simblrs that inspire me. It’s pretty hard to write down all of these talented people out here! So I’ll just list here some of my current simblr crushes, I hope you don’t mind it. And also I’m working on my follow forever, so yeah. Crushes are under the cut, cause something went wrong and it seems like almost  half of my future follow forever is done 😀

Keep reading

Made my morning! Thank you sweet pea!