
I removed the previous post because thanks to theveronarelapsemiasimmer and the person who contacted me by mail (let me know if you have a tumblr) plus all the persons who helped spead the message, the toddlers files are now complete and ready to be sent. But some files are still missing like some kids, teen, male clothes and a good bunch of females clothes.

To make it easier I created 2 google document with the photos and the name of each missing file and they are available here :
List 01 (Female Adulte Files)List 02 ( Male Adulte, Teen, Child, Acc Files)

My goal is not only to find those files (or at least as most as possible hopefully) and forward the files back to Ny Girl.

So please, if you could reblog this around to pass the message and if you have those files, please, send them to me that I can compile them and send them to NyGirl Sims. My inbox is open but you can also contact my via gmail.

Thanks a lot for your attention and your help.

chillimps Paradise lot – <private download>

I’m being sneaky. If you want more pictures you will have to stay tuned for her stories. 


And my replies are being weird and not letting me link stuff. The frog bouncer is from this store set.

I already downloaded all the windows and getting them in is not a big deal, I wanna keep them! XD
But I did notice the chimney and frog boncer, I gotta try again and see if they pop in, or I’m going to pester you for them, lol. 😀

Oh I bet I forgot the chimney part. I do think it might be from that store set with the waterwheel. The chimney parts are recolorable in that set. And I think the bouncer is from the store too. Maybe the circus set. I don’t know, but let me know and I’ll send them to you. You could always use the ones from supernatural or generations, I just thought the frog was cute. Sorta fit the English theme that I had going on in my brain. lol

It looks so much better with the windows, lol! I am so trying again tomorrow! XD

I love Mutske’s build items. She does a really good job with making a full set with a theme. All sizes, levels, foot prints, you name it and she has it. If you want, I can convert the 2 sets that I linked you to package files and you can just put it in your mods folder. Way easier than putting it through the launcher. So glad you like it! I had fun building it. The playhouse is my favorite. Taking the pictures though I forgot to put a bottom ceiling on there. Hate it when I forget to do that.