

This is by no means a follow forever, nor does it include only mutuals, or even people who follow me back. It’s just a simple way of showing my appreciation to a lot of very kind, and talented individuals in the simblr community, served up in bite-sized portions.

Omg @noelyely! You just missed me posting my ridiculous cat gifs, right? lol Thank you sweetness!


Pet Collar Collection – Simblreen 2015 Gift

  • 3 cat collars & 1 small and large dog collar
  • Might be a little clipping and stretching depending on how furry or fluffy your pets are. The collars do morph with pet size otherwise it should be fine just thought y’all would want to know.


OneDrive     &   SimFileShare

Terms of Use

Do what you want with it after all it’s just pixels, but DO NOT re-upload, put on a pay website, or adfly.

* If you have any problems or where can I find questions, just let me know. I follow the tag Mspoodle and Mspoodle1 and would love to know how you use these. I hope you enjoy!

Fixed the little dog collar. Reassigned the joints and everything is playing nice for now. Please re-download and sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you @simst3r for the letting me know.


Pontaboeuf – Yoga Class & Falafel Break

I’m not inspired at all by building or even renovating an university right now, in my University town, but at least, my students can practice yoga and have a falafel right after (lies: they can have almost all the food they want, except falafel that don’t show up on my food list!! But as the place is inspired a copycat of my favorite place in Paris to eat falafels (le Daily Syrien, if you ever stop by), then, I prentend it’s the place to eat falafels. :p)

But after, yoga and falafels are perfect to fill a student life. Why bothering with an uni building? 😉

If anyone knows how I could get falafels in my Food register, I’m interested! 😉


I wonder if you could add it with Nraas Retuner or with Ani’s register mod. Do custom food recipes show up at a food register? If it does then you could make a custom falafel recipe (with CCloader I think).

Your decor and Sims play is always awesome. Thank you for using the yoga rugs. 😉