Because laziness is settling in, a screencap of the bunker progress is all you’re gonna get. I remade Cyclonesue’s deco arch with the wall on the inside with a custom door cutout. The inside of the arch needed to be brick texture and it was the only way to achieve it. Also removed the fire escape sticker from the door. I might go back and edit the texture of the arch part, but for now it’s as close as I can get to the original. 

answered your question “Since I’m in a chit chatty mood, Question. With the new reply button,…”

I don’t think so, so you gotta keep checking on posts after commenting on them

That just seems silly to me. Doesn’t Tumblr @staff *tagging them like they are gonna look at this* know that I’m lazy and once I’m done with a post I’m not looking at it again. lol Seriously though, I’ll just stick to the old way. 

replied to your post “I just thought y’all should know that I had an avocado with my lunch…”

Love me some avocados.

replied to your post “I just thought y’all should know that I had an avocado with my lunch…”

I wish I could eat avocados. For some reason they make me throw up, it’s just not worth the deliciousness

answered your question “Since I’m in a chit chatty mood, Question. With the new reply button,…”

Nope, unfortunately doesn’t work like that. Have to do it like the old days where you make a reply post if you want someone to see it.

Ooooh best to avoid them then. That would just ………

And I don’t see the point of me replying to my own comment then. I can’t have a conversation because know one will know. lol They should have thought that out a little more. The feature just seems odd. Like it took them forever and a day to make it happen and then no one will benefit from half of it’s uses.

answered your question “Since I’m in a chit chatty mood, Question. With the new reply button,…”

I don’t believe so.

That’s what I thought. 

replied to your post “I just thought y’all should know that I had an avocado with my lunch…”


replied to your post “I just thought y’all should know that I had an avocado with my lunch…”

love the gif! xD

replied to your photo “Game I command you to stop being stupid this instance! lol!”

Yeah sometimes I need to build higher up, builders island needs a new version with a higher plateau

Question for my CFE simpaii. If I leave it like this and export the lot, will the water still be there if I import it say to St. Manolia on one of the top level lots?

replied to your photo “Game I command you to stop being stupid this instance! lol!”

That lot looks awesome though! Is it like a water treatment plant thingie?

It would be awesome if that’s what I was going for. lol