Tweaked ‘Sim with No Name Yet’ and dragged out the buydebug lights and pose player. *winks at @simsarahsarah* Hopefully everything looks better. Now to go write up the bio. I have his story in my head but you know me. I have the worst time using my words the way they are intended. @goatkibble I should have him all ready for you by mid-week and I’ll make a post with bio and pictures. And thank you for the help with the sliders and nose. I was lowering the nose with the wrong slider. duh! lol I just don’t make sims or fiddle in CAS enough to remember simple things. haha

Simmie Replies…

replied to your photo “Well, hey there! Whatcha lookin’ at? Gonna post some screenshots of a…”

Sorry, that’s a totally unhelpful and boring comment, lololol, but I really do love him. 😀

Awe’s thank you especially since it’s coming from the simpaii of sim making. I have a difficult time with it because I don’t know how all the sliders work together sometimes. I have them all and there are some things that bug me. The nose and mouth scrunch for instance. right under, in between the nose and mouth, I get this weird shadow and I don’t know what sliders to manipulate to smooth it out while trying to get the effect I want. Struggles. lol

replied to your photo “Well, hey there! Whatcha lookin’ at? Gonna post some screenshots of a…”

Looooooove! ❤

replied to your photo

*heart eyes* ❤

replied to your photo “Well, hey there! Whatcha lookin’ at? Gonna post some screenshots of a…”

You need some lights! The ones in BuyDebug work great for lighting up sims faces. 🙂

You’re right. I’m just lazy. lol I think I also need to change my lighting mod. It just or the weather or something. It just seems like it’s always dark and cloudy. Sometimes I like the effect but I like my colors to be vivid too. I don’t know.

replied to your photo “Well, hey there! Whatcha lookin’ at? Gonna post some screenshots of a…”

Yassssssss, looking forward to it!!

Yeah! I’m glad. Should be ready sometime this week. 🙂

Nutty Replies…..

replied to your photo

Keep watch on them at all times! The chipmunks and squirrels of the world are plotting something MAJOR. And we will soon all be caught in the crossfire; mark my words. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

replied to your photo

why is that chipmunk so huge?! can you imagine the size of it’s peanuts!

replied to your photo

hahaha, great shot xD <_____<


Well, hey there! Whatcha lookin’ at?

Gonna post some screenshots of a sim i’m making for @goatkibble. Almost have him the way I want him. Few more tweaks maybe.  I wanted him to look older but not too old. 😉 Anyways, just wanted to see what he looked like on here. Need to come up with a name and write his bio/backstory. 

SPN Replies….

replied to your photoset “Just watched the Supernatural Season Finale…..”

What finale already? I am a bit far behind!

This weeks show was episode 23 of season 11. They seriously need to ramp up the stories because I’m so tired of them dragging everything out. Totally ruining it in my opinion. They have some changes going on behind the scenes plus they are moving the show from Wed. back to Thurs. night. Which who knows how it will affect next season.

replied to your photoset “Just watched the Supernatural Season Finale…..”

I know Agent Carter was so good 😦 no more Dottie who was my fav Russian spy. I’m loving Supernatural It’s behind in England. I love Rowena, she’s a great witch and she inspired me to write too!! xD

I liked Rowena too! The women never have a good fate on the show. *trying not to give spoilers in this post. ugh* It’s just sad. A lot of my shows that had primarily a female presence aren’t being renewed. I got caught up in watching Home Fires and it’s not getting a 3rd season. Like they’ve left us hanging without knowing if Pat really leaves her husband and what happens with her lover. And who is in the plane crash. *sigh* But they really struck out with letting Hayley Atwell get away. I think she’s signed up to do another tv series here in the US. I’ve seen a preview and it just doesn’t look like it’s going to be any good. Sad really and I just can’t with her trying to have an American accent. It just doesn’t seem right. imho. 😉

replied to your photoset “Just watched the Supernatural Season Finale…..”

I wait till it hits Netflix…sucks waiting but I will binge the whole season…

I’m too impatient to wait for things. I have Amazon Prime and I can watch things there too, but like I like some shows from the UK that I’m just to impatient to wait for them on PBS. So I watch them on various sites on the web. Plus if I want to watch anything from the CW, I have to find alternative ways to watch it. We have U-verse and they don’t have an agreement to televise here with them. 

replied to your photoset “Just watched the Supernatural Season Finale…..”

I’m still on season 4 I think smh

Girl, you gotta get caught up!

The Dirt Dauber who could…….

There is a dirt dauber in my art studio window casing and it sounds like it’s trying to bore it’s way through. It’s so loud it’s scaring the cat to death. I’d spray but won’t because of the cat. It’s a big’n too. Came out for a second (it must be 3 inches long) and went back to trying to drill through the metal frame. lol