
Halloween Photo Challenge 2016!

Time is flying! Soon it’ll be that time of year again! You know the one, where the trees are majestic shades of amber and ember,  pumpkin spice rules the grocery store aisles and coffee shops, boots and plaid, cider and apple picking…but best of all…HALLOWEEN!

For the last 3 years I’ve issued a Halloween Photo Challenge to simmers and each year the number of participants has grown! The creativity I see from everyone is amazing and it’s become a staple of my simming experience that I look forward to every year since, and I hope you do too!

The challenge is simple. I provide you with a “prompt” list for the entire month of October, each day you post a picture using your sims (from any game!) depicting an interpretation of the day’s theme.  You can be as literal or abstract as you want, you don’t even have to do the days in order if you don’t want to! Some people choose to do one week and some try for the entire month! There are NO rules, you can photoshop, use CC, use none if you’d like.

My ONLY request is that you tag your creations #HPC2016 so that I, and everyone else who wants to, can see them! And honestly if you didn’t want to you don’t even have to do that. I’m a simmer not a cop!

Reblogging this post helps spread the word and garner more participants! If you’re interested and think your followers might be too, why not share?!

Why am I announcing this so soon? To give people time to prepare of course!

Can’t wait to see what you create! Onto the prompts!:

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Ugh so frustrating! But yeah at least it was a sketch. Did it at least not disintegrate when you painted?

If I would have layered more it would have begun to peel. I like to scrubb the paint. I knew better than to go that route. I’ll have to did out my arches paper. I was trying to save it for more finished pieces, but it’s just difficult to practice on bad paper.

replied to your photo “I have no love for this paper.
#watercolour #watercolor…”

It looks amazing though.

You’re way to kind. *Licks your face*

replied to your photo “I have no love for this paper.
#watercolour #watercolor…”

Bad watercolor paper makes me irrationally irate.

God! How I hate it. It’s like painting on notebook paper and now it’s crunchy. Like they advertised this as WATERCOLOR paper not mixed media. Very irritating especially since I can’t feel the paper to buy it because MS has no real art stores so I have to get it all online. *man am I ranty. Sorry! lol*

replied to your photo “I have no love for this paper.
#watercolour #watercolor…”

Have you tried using it with traditional prepping? Or do you mean the way it handles the pigments?

Yeah, I pre-wet it because it was bone dry but it’s just wood pulp paper from Strathmore (I think it’s the 400 series). I like to paint with a lot of water and it just wasn’t doing what I wanted with the paint. I should have taped it down. Just a doodle so no harm done. 😉