replied to your photo “#sketchy #ink #drawing of MS cotton before I add some #watercolor .


replied to your photo “#sketchy #ink #drawing of MS cotton before I add some #watercolor .


I agree with Nornities!

replied to your photo “#sketchy #ink #drawing of MS cotton before I add some #watercolor .


Your sketches and paintings are so beautiful. I hope you won’t stop just because October is over!

Thank you! Definitely not stopping. I have a few unfinished things to do and I never even practiced ink with my new pen and nibs. So yeah, more ink and watercolor stuff coming and I’m almost finished with this sketchbook. Ordered a few more so I have something for future goals. 😀

replied to your photo “Super #sketchy and #doodley with this #pentelbrushpen that I super…”


replied to your photo “Today’s #watercolor #doodle

#watercolour #beepaper…”

Lovely colors! Annnnd that reminds me… I found some photos of a rosebud that turned out well with some nifty texture. I’ll have to post those for you if you want some texture stuff to work on (along with all the fur texture you’re going to end up with :P)

*Hugs* Thanks Uni! Yes please post them. I’ve been saving your pictures as future drawing and painting reference. Love them and you’re awesome! ♥

replied to your post “@hyperkaos
replied to your photo “Today’s dinky #doodle. Trying to…”

That’s right just kill me with Mr. Gorgeous Man…. I’m more and more tempted to get Sling so I can watch each week…it’s terrible having to wait for the whole season to show up on Netflix! *le sigh*

You can watch the CW on the links below for live tv or you can watch past episodes here

LoT – SPN http://livetvmisc.wixsite.com/main
http://tgo-tv.com/watch/live-tv/the-cw-live-stream.php?feed=link2 …
http://tvpc.us/Channel.php?ChannelID=61755 …