Happi –  Dream Address 4B00-001A-155C (thank you if you visited btw)

Yesterday’s accomplishments –  

  • Snow flurries! 😀
  • And I stupidly pressed the wrong button so now Gloria is staying and not leaving. Gah! Why wasn’t I paying attention? Now she wants me to fill out this cereal petition that you have to travel for. Why did I agree to this because now it’s just taking up a slot. Boo hiss….
  • Finally got the 3ds and WiiU items from the Amiibo RV park and my amiibo Rover visited again. 
  • Another villager sighting at the beach.
  • Gave Phil the perfect gift for his birthday. Now he’ll never leave. lol I don’t particularly like him (he’s been in my town since the start but he’s so nice to me all the time. Hate to love him. 😉
  • And I’m doing this as of last night. Crap!

replied to your post

Feel better soon! *gives a cup of tea with lemon, honey and a shot of whiskey*

replied to your photoset “Happi – 

Dream Address 4B00-001A-155C

Today’s accomplishments –  …”

I heard that with the new update villagers don’t ruin your paths anymore, I don’t know how accurate it is though :p

That would be nice. We’ll soon find out. Let’s hope it doesn’t touch my other special trees or flowers. I imagine there is going to be some sort of tragedy either way though. lol

replied to your photo “Quinacridone colors are always so pretty.

#watercolorart #doodle…”

:O love this and the colours in both images

Thanks @alverdinesims. ♥

Happi – 

Dream Address 4B00-001A-155C

Today’s accomplishments –  

  • Finished the fossil encyclopedia/museum and planted a few orange trees around town. *Felicity the cat is my newest villager* 
  • My plaza town tree lost all of it’s leaves today.
  • Caught Rooney the kangaroo fake fishing at the ocean. I’ve never seen a villager at the beach. Sorta weird. He arrived before Felicity and is kinda cranky. All the cat villagers are so cute. I wish they would all move in. Not going to happen but I can wish. I’ve only had one other, Merry, and I missed her leaving. 😦 Gloria the duck is moving out so it will be interesting to see who I get and where they build their house. Let’s hope they don’t ruin anymore of my pathways.
  • Saw k.k. Slider perform.
  • I think starting tomorrow I’m going to empty my house and redo all of the rooms. I printed off some theme list that have styles and such so I can score over a million points. So I can get the next level reward. Even though the gold reward won’t count I still want it. I guess that’s the completionist side obsessing(I mean talking). lol

replied to your post “Tech question of sorts….”

I bought a Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 with android OS two years ago and love it. My husband bought the same tablet with Windows OS so he could use it for microsoft office documents on both PC and tablet. Out of the two, I prefer the android OS as I find it easier to use. Windows is ok on a PC but rubbish on a tablet imo. 🙂

I was leaning towards the Android version so this is useful info. I figured it would run W10 slow since the builds are basically the same and use the same processor. I’m really drawn to this halo keyboard and pen. Drawing on it I think would be FUN. A new way to sketch. I think it comes with an art app, but I could also use my Adobe apps as well. hmmmm……Now if Lenovo would stock the champagne gold color on their website I would be set. I could get it from Walmart but I don’t want to have to pay tax. (I’ma cheapie) 😛

Hope everyone is having a great week. Apparently I’ve been hiding under a rock because I didn’t realize that Animal Crossing: New Leaf got an update. Haven’t played the game probably in over a year so all of my flowers were gone. Slowly getting them back and trying to get the last annoying things done I never did finish from before.

To Do List:

  1. Find that last stink’in fossil – The T. Rex Skull. Completed
  2. Upgrade the shop from T.I.Y to T&T Emporium. I just need 2 more Gracie Fashion checks. 
  3. Get Katrina’s Fortune Shop. I wish the game would show you how much you’ve tallied stuff so you would know how close you were to getting badges and such. (Things that annoying me)
  4. After the shop upgrades, work on making my fruit perfect again. I don’t have any at the moment. When I started the game I didn’t realize what perfect fruit were all of about and sold them all. Oh well. Shouldn’t be a problem when I can get some fertilizer and the golden shovel. I’ve tried getting it randomly from picking fruit but never get it. 
  5. And finish up some HHD grades, make my roof the correct color for my theme, get a few odd and end furniture pieces to complete some sets. I have completely upgraded my house and chose the Trendy theme. The HHD grading is so stupid. I got a home value of over 700,000 points and got this dumb gold roof reward and now my home value is under 300,000. WTF. Why didn’t they make the gold crap part of all of the themes? Anyways…..
  6. And lastly, I need an Orange. I have all of the fruit except this one. I think supposedly you can get random fruit from villagers or through the mail from Mom and Dad, but I always get what I already have. Completed

So….I don’t usually share my 3DS Friend code. But…..if you want to come visit my town Happi (silly name…I know, I know), not trample my stuff, not be a twat, have me awkwardly stare at you (in game. I’m terrible at multi-player conversations) then send me a message so we can exchange codes.


Also, my Dream Address 4B00-001A-155C for Happi got updated with this new Amiibo thing.

Don’t want to do the multi-player thing, then you can visit this way. My name is listed as Melissa or Mspoodle for the town Happi if you just want to search for it.  (I still don’t understand what all the hoopla is about. I got the NFC reader and figure/trading cards and it doesn’t add hardly anything to the game experience. Personally I think it’s just a Nintendo money hole.

And with that. I’m going to go do some game grinding. Meow! 😀