Wip – School

Inspiration this time is from St. Henry’s School which is now a French Immersion School at General Pershing Street in New Orleans. It’s too boxy at the moment. Plan on changing the back and sides to give it a more interesting shape. In real life, St. Henry’s Church is beside the school, but that’s way too big to build here. And I have other plans for a church and cemetery on the other part of the island. Still have room though for something on the side that will tie into the playground lot to the right. So to make it look connected but not be connected.

And…..I made that roof piece a fence. I moved the fence part back one tile so I could place it on the wall (sorta like how the curb from @grandelama works). Making fences is so incredibly easy. Expect more in the future. 😉 Now about those flags, not really happy with it. It’ll do for now. The poles are too big, the angle is wrong, needs to be further down on the axis and yatta yatta….You get the picture. Will work on everything more tomorrow. Sorta tired. 

💖 Tag Time 💖Go under Accounts ➜ Activity and look who are your most active followers. Tag them in this post and put this in their inbox along with 3 of your other favorite blogs. Lots of Love💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

@davidmont @icy-spicy-scalpel @glitter-flesh @curmudgeonness 

Not gonna send you guys messages but I will tag you. Thanks for the message Cia!

Just some randomness. @davidmont this is what I’ve done so far for the world and how it looks. And that big box of ugly is going to be the school. Of course, as I build I find that EA’s stuff needs fixing or it doesn’t work how I need. Trying to make wall flags out of the flag pole with the games animated flag. May just have to make it a deco item. The flag did move down, but I need to tilt it which I’ll have to do in s3pe once I figure out the coordinates. And those cornice/awning roof pieces I have on the wall are bugging me because they are one tile pieces that EA could have made different sizes. Like, I’d rather have 4 or 5 instead of me plopping down 50 of these. I’m going to need to decorate and that’s just way to much stuff on one lot. So…..yeah…..I see Mel’s Cruddy Bits Part Deux in y’alls future.

And a big huge thank you to everyone on your nice comments. Very much appreciated!

Mel’s Cruddy Bits – Sims 3 – Mspoodle

Gonna be a long one so make sure you read the fine print. 😉

  • Proceed down below: 

  1. Ceiling Fan – fully animated – 3 presets – $180 – Lighting/Ceiling lights. Read more about how the fan works here.
  2. Ambulance – fully functional vehicle – 4 presets – $3700 – Vehicle/Cars – converted ambulance from ts2
  3. Desk Fan – fully animated – $45 – Electronics/Misc. Electronics – *needs MOO cheat to raise and lower* 
  4. End Table – Does nothing but look pretty 😉 – $45 – Surfaces/End Tables – has slots for stuff
  5. Garage Door – *Island Paradise EP Reqired* – fully functional – $730 – Vehicle/Cars
  6. Wall Fan – it’s actually a window – place it first – $250 – Build Mode/Windows
  7. Fan Bits – fully animated – $200 – Electronics/Misc. Electronics

Special note – Everything is re-colorable, all is base game compatible except the garage door (requires IP ep), files have been compressed and include a collection file (put a copy in both your Collections and Mods folder in your documents folder). It actually has an image this time. 😉 The desk fan was created from the A/C unit originally. The object couldn’t be placed like normal cc and the flags for movement wouldn’t work. The best solution was to make a wall object and give the raise and lower feature. It’s a little wonky and won’t rotate on alt because of this. Of course I could have just done it as a deco object but the whole point was to give it animation. I could have possibly used Douglasveiga’s animated weathervane mod but I just lost steam to have to redo it. Maybe someday. After all this is Mel’s Cruddy Bits for a reason. 😛



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* If you have any problems or where can I find questions, just let me know. I follow the tag Mspoodle and Mspoodle1 and would love to know how you use these. I hope you enjoy!