Hi, MsPoodle. I’ve seen you have made taxi default replacement a few years ago and I was wondering, are you willing to do a futuristic taxi default replacement? Like the ones in ITF?? Much love, thanks.

Hello there Anon! Sending you love too!

Maybe, possibly……..but honestly not right now. I will put it on my future to do list with the boat taxis defaults. Itā€™s not hard to do just really time consuming with having to test each one. Probably the next go round will just be to provide one and let yā€™all change them to whatever color you want. So weā€™ll see.

omg iā€™ve felt that way a lot of times my friend, but itā€™s almost done!! TSRW Is a nightmare sometimes, will you try to use TT3? I hope it wonā€™t mess the mesh yikes

TT3 wonā€™t work either. Because itā€™s a modular object that uses the texture files from the first object (itā€™s hard coded or I would change that) it wonā€™t work. I did try changing the tiling in s3pe which did work when the rolled object is placed but after it is used it goes back to the 1×1 tiling. EA just screwed this object up when they made it for the Generations EP. Most of the coding they did was screwy anyways.Ā 

Iā€™m going to finish it and get it working. Then Iā€™m gonna play around with it and see if I can get it to budge. The one time I thought I had it working the diffuse did that weird thing were it turned orange and overid all the masking files like with the trolley. I donā€™t fully understand how that works because sometimes certain objects only use your multiplier or specular image and then it does this weird file type where it makes up something from all your images and tries to be Picaso. *you know boobs on your face* sorta thing. And those you canā€™t edit.

Wip – No really, Itā€™s a sleeping bag…

Spent most of the day making the bag part not look so uniform which meant I had to fix more clipping especially for voluptuous sims. Still might have clipping for the custom nightie wearing sim but for a basic nude sim it does good. And then I fixed the uvā€™s from all that. So there will be the rolled version to start with (eaā€™s mesh) then to the open sleeping version. Now to finish the rest of the texture work.Ā 

Wip – Tadpole Condom

Joking aside, Had to come up with a new game plan. Going to have to use Arsilā€™s mod after all. Even though I got the mesh to work with the sleeping bag the textures would not budge even after I changed them and made sure they were linked to everything. Itā€™s just hardcoded to reference those images. So…. it will be a sleeping bag that is actually a bed. And Iā€™m going to have to make it a little bigger at the bottom because his bone(hehe) assignments are a little different than the sleeping bag.I may just remesh the whole thing because I wanted it to look a lot more tousled. Idk the pillow part is cute so that is salvageable. Itā€™s late so Iā€™ll work on it tomorrow.

06-28 PM Update Blog Fumblr List + AT&T Customer Reminder


If you have AT&T and havenā€™t seen the other post yet, go HERE you have until JUNE 30 (Friday) to change your e-mail address from those in their list. Get a gmail addy!

If your blog is randomly being Fumblrā€™d, read the following ā€œsensitive contentā€ aka Safe Mode

While most people have Safe Mode turned off and are seeing everything fine itā€™s still a wall put up between you and your followers unfairly.

IF you are tagged and would prefer to be removed, please let me know.

Current list of people popping up on Safe Mode block for no reason:

@alientrustfundkidsĀ @ashuriphoenixĀ @belasimsĀ @blythelyreĀ @boxofsims
@create-a-simĀ @davidmontĀ @everlasting-garden @freckled-pixels @ice-creamforbreakfastĀ @inda-simsĀ @ithink-iam-happyĀ @justanothersimsblog
@lifeasasim @morganaplaysĀ @murfeeleeĀ @ninjaofthepurplethings
@owly-sims @parystrangeĀ @preferatajaferojĀ @simmreaperĀ @soloriya
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If you want to help them out until they get their blogs cleared, you have to go into your Settings-Filtering-Safe Mode and turn it on. When you see some one you follow being blocked open the post, go to the bottom and *if it shouldnā€™t be blocked* click on ā€œnopeā€Ā 

Please send me the name of blogs you find who are being unfairly blocked via IM and I will add them to the list. My current plan is to keep this going until July 5 (my own story posts are on hold)Ā 

Um… I’m sorry but aren’t you a bit too old to be playing the sims? You’re 44 for pete’s sake.


Hm, interesting question, Anon. Iā€™m not sure how to answer it without coming across as defensive. I donā€™t think thereā€™s an age limit to playing the Sims, or any video game, really. I know a ton of Simmers who are my age or older (Iā€™d hazard a guess that half the community consists of ā€œolderā€ Simmers). šŸ™‚ We enjoy the game because it makes us laugh, or itā€™s therapeutic, or a creative outlet. Should we stop because weā€™ve reached some magical grown-up age? Should I stop watching cartoons, too? Iā€™m not being snarky here, Iā€™m really curious. At what age do you think people should stop playing the Sims, and why?

@jenba I guess you better get your bifocals, knitting needles, yarn, rocking chair and make plans for that nursing home gig. lol

Anon youā€™re trolling, right?! Because I hope you realize that if it wasnā€™t for all of us old crabs you wouldnā€™t have amazing things like MTS, TSR, loads of custom content, lots, worlds, tutorials…..etc. to make your game (whatever version) anywhere near playable/enjoyable.

Wip – Sleeping Bag thing

Iā€™ve been wanting to give the games sleeping bags a makeover ever since we got them with Generations. They are a weird object and require a little more than just cloning and doing the normal meshing. So…I thought I was going to have to use Arsilā€™s Futon mod but after some tinkering I got the actual sleeping bags to work as another option. Now to fix that clipping and see about texturing.Ā