My friend how’s your health lately? I’ve been busy and I haven’t seen you much! 🤔 How are you? 😘😘😘

Hello my sweet dear friend!

*going to make this public because it explains where I’ve been*

The health is ok. The chronic sinus situation is trying to start again which is making my sleep pattern all screwy. *it makes me so tired when I can’t breathe* Plus the hubster got sick and the Munchkin has bronchitis…No one is getting any sleep. haha. It was all full steam ahead with me building in game and making stuff for Simblreen and now its zilch going on. 

So I guess that explains why I haven’t been on Discord, Pixelated Puddings or posting on here. I am lurking a little bit but I just don’t have anything to say or post. 😦

But with all that said, I do have some things on my Sims to do list (ceiling fan redo, bee honey pot collection, boat taxi recolors and ect.) and have a few ideas for what to accomplish next in the project world. 

Also, need to get back into daily sketching and painting. I had sorta slacked off when I got back into Simming *such a slacker and out of practice*. Now that’s it’s getting into the holiday season I need to start planning and painting this years Christmas gifts for the family.

So….how you doing? I need to check your blog and catch up!

Base Game Picnic Basket

Default Replacement Recolorable Picnic Blanket




Have fun, post pictures and if you have any problems after doing all of the above let me know. Otherwise, I’m just going to send you the instructions link and tell you to delete your cache. 😉

Amazing. I am having a hard time thinking of anything to do for simblureen. *sighs*

I was too at first. Then I went searching on Pinterest for inspiration. Made one thing and it sparked a whole bunch of stuff. Now I probably won’t do anything for the next 6 months. Lol!

Please Join In!


Hey Guys,

As much as we wish we could do all the tutorials you guys request, we sadly don’t have all the knowledge/skills. So we would really love it if some of the amazing creators out there would help us out with some of these tutorials!

So if you know how to do one of the below tutorials, it would be awesome if you could 😀

This is the list of all the tutorials people have requested to make:

  • How to create contacts

  • How to create eyebrows

  • How to make a wraparound neck tattoo

  • How to convert clothing to different ages

  • How to convert TS4 makeup to TS3

  • How to mesh shoes

  • Convert TS4 roof colors to TS3

We really appreciate any help! Even reblogging/sharing helps 🙂

-Your tutorial hub team


Test Shots for Mspoodle’s Picnic Set

Finally squeezed some time for test shots!
@mspoodle1, your picnic set works just perfect!!
My sims can now picnic with style XD
Why do they picnic at night with sunglasses on the face?
That’s what Hollywood Celebrities do!! (yeah right…) 

Oh I labled wip on these pics because they belonged to the same batch of my cc test shots which will be contained within another WIP post~

Perfection! Thank you for testing and taking such beautiful pictures. ♥♥♥