And more painting stuff (you can stalk me at Instagram).

-Notes: Trees and more foliage is the practice mission from last week and this coming week. The landscape was sorta just a first practice with just the trees. The next few I want to develop a more vivid sky and defined background. Also, need to use different brushes with a rigger for the branches on the next go. And of course more un-naked trees. 😛 (watch this get flagged or I get mauled by follower bots)

Just a few things I’ve painted this week and will post over on Instagram. I have more, I just haven’t had the time to photograph it the Instagrammy way. 😉


Maximus and Whitney decide to go out Sunday and check out the new seafood restaurant in town. They had a good meal, good conversation, and after dinner they romantically watched the stars on the deck. It was a beautiful evening and a lovely date!


It was getting late and Max had to work tomorrow, so Whitney decided to visit the ladies room and then they would head home. 

While waiting for Whitney, Max decided to get a closer look at a constellation of stars with @MsPoodle’s revamp of @Jenba-sims coin-operated Binoculars. ❤


BTW the lobster tank is shaping up – looks a little more like a lobster tank, thanks to OMSP’s and a deco lobster. 


Hunter was also pleased to see that the barkeeper remembered to order the hot sauce and it finally showed up on the tables.

Awesome! Such a great space! ♥

Pocket Camp….boop….

Here’s my ID for Animal Crossing’s Pocket Camp if you want to add me. I’ve been playing since it was released in Australia. Hope y’all are having a great week and holiday if you are in the US. Tootles!

I was tagged by the lovely @declarations-of-drama to do this. So if you ever wondered, now is your chance for a limited time to hear me in all my snotty nosed glory. Lol! *cringing at the playback*

The idea is for anyone who wants to participate to voice record or video themselves going through the following list and answering the questions.

What is your name and/or username?
Where are you from?

pronounce the following words:
– Theatre
– Iron
– Salmon
– Caramel
– Fire
– Water
– New Orleans
– Furniture
– Both
– Again
– Probably
– Alabama
– Lawyer
– Coupon
– Mayonnaise
– Caught
– Naturally
– Envelope
– Twitter
– New York
– Crayon
– Tumblr

How would you address a group of two or more people?
What would you call a sale of unwanted items on your porch, in your yard, etc.?
What do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call gym shoes?
Choose book and read a paragraph from it.
Do you speak a second language?.
End the video by saying any 3 words you want.

Haven’t a clue who to tag because I don’t know who has and hasn’t completed this. If you want to go for it and you haven’t done it considered yourself tagged and let me know so I can listen to your post (tag me). 

HiDeeHooooo! 😀

Popping in to reply to a few messages and say I’m doing fine! Husband is off for the Thanksgiving holidays for a couple of weeks, so we’re cleaning the house and other chores to prepare for a swanky Thursday dinner. 

And I’m still doing the ‘trying to practice daily thing’ with painting. My camera doesn’t do that flower justice because the colors look so good in real life. One of these days I’m going to get my camera skills in check. Below is the before picture of the paint splatters that you try to make into a sorta impressionistic landscape.

Anyhoo, Hope everyone is doing well and I’ll try and check in a little more often than once a week. 

Hi! ……..