Sketch #3

Hanna Chastain by @fragilesimtales 

Side note: Another addition to the toned paper sketchbook. I wanted it to be sketchy but I went too far with the skin. Tried to burnish a little and I forgot the texture is just not going to cover without a marker base. (lesson learned for next time). 

This is all I can manage today at my desk. I’ll try and catch up with my dash next week. 🙂

Mspoodle + 3rddealer intel laptop conversion (mini tutorial)



So… @mspoodle1 and I agreed to do a little collab together (actually it was really just me jumping into her IM and messaging her) on converting the Call of Duty Advanced Warfare intel laptop into TS3. I was going to do it myself, but I decided, hey, why not do it for the SimblrSimplyForFun activity? This sorta counts as… challenge 4, I guess?

Mspoodle made a lovely hour-long video right here that walks through this process. Thank you so much for doing this! Super appreciated 🙂

For my half, I’m actually not gonna record a video since I basically followed what she did. What I WILL do though is show you how I actually got the thing into my blender.

Please note there’s probably 1,000 other ways this could be done so… yeah. Also note that I have zero experience with objects (which is the whole point of me asking her help on this 😀 ) so take everything you see here with a grain of salt. 😀

Keep reading

Outstanding work! Glad my crazy tutorial helped. lol!

The links don’t work though, do you know where the working links are?

Check this post XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

It’s everything I could find. Not sure what her deal is. Her website wasn’t working the other day and her livejournal was removed that had her old stuff listed. So idk. Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. 😉


I did a really Mspoodle esque thing earlier today. Soooo I probably won’t be posting anything this week. Was all ready to do another piece of sim art and do my 4 person collab, but it will have to wait till next week.

Still around to answer questions or messages, but not anything that requires me to be at my desk for more than a few minutes. Till next week….



@fragilesimtales‘s Cotton Candy Unicorn

This my part of the collab for Q4 of Frankie’s SimblrSimplyForFun Challenge.

I can’t keep up with this MAGIC at all but I don’t want to be a spoil-sport so here’s my part 😀 It’s supposed to be @mspoodle1 ‘s header image 😛 DON’T JUDGE!!! :DDD



This is soooooooo special Mona!!!! Can’t believe you did this with a hurt arm. ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


“I think we need to be extra careful if we’re still going to look at the dig sites,” Sid states that evening before bed.

The plan is to get to the pyramids before Ameen’s friends do. If their hunch is correct, he’s been warding off the dig sites from others so that his buddies can have a go at their contents and acquire whatever relics are inside, without outside intervention. It’s a smart plan, really. Create an “open event” and make sure the person paying you gets to win from it. Because, obviously, he’s getting paid for this.

Damaris sighs, once again regretting how materialistic the world is. If she had a dollar for all the times reckless relic collectors and others of their opinion have plundered important historical artifacts for personal gain… maybe she would’ve had enough money to buy them all back and return them to their proper owners or to the museums. 

“You think those guys are going to try something if they see us in or near the pyramids?” Cherry asks.

“They might. When expensive artifacts and money are at hand, people are willing to do crazy things,” Sid admits. 

He decides against going into detail. The downside of working in the police force is that you end up seeing the worst of humanity at its best. And people can get creative with their wrongdoings.

“Got it. Stay vigilant, don’t let anyone bonk you over the head with heavy objects,” Cherry smiles. “Speaking of heavy objects, we should probably bring a shovel. And maybe something sharp, in case of jammed doors.”

“And sleeping bags with snacks, just in case,” Damaris pipes in. “Getting stuck inside the pyramid overnight is always a possibility.”

“Oh well, let’s hope the mummies have running water and room service,” Cherry cracks a joke, lightening up the atmosphere.

“Well, if they do, it’s kept well under wraps,” Damaris chuckles. “Maybe they even have special mummy agents to ward our greedy relic collectors!”

“They probably have traps for that, to weed out the reckless ones,” Sid reminds. “Remember that old castle in Scotland? It would’ve taken on a full-blown alien invasion, with the amount of traps placed throughout it.”

“You two have some crazy stories to tell, don’t you?” Cherry asks, impressed.

“We tend to end up in some very strange places,” Damaris admits, with a laugh. “Keeps life interesting, though.” 



The next morning, the three of them set out into town. It is decided that the best way to figure out what’s going on is to chat up the locals. After all, word of mouth can sometimes be just as reliable as an official announcement.

The locals turn out to be extremely talkative. As it turns out, the dig sites were supposed to be opened up months ago, but the authorities weren’t certain if the pyramids were structurally safe enough for people to go into them. But the local archaeological community argued that, if they stood without falling for centuries, most likely, they weren’t going to crumble into pieces only because people entered them.

As for how the open event came about… not everyone is on board with it. Many seemed to have the same concerns as Damaris – that reckless treasure hunters will end up destroying important historical artifacts and that Egypt’s national treasures will be stolen by foreigners, something that happened plenty of times in the past. But the organizers, with Ameen and a couple of others have insisted on setting it up this way and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

The more Damaris and Sid hear, the clearer the picture becomes. Whatever Ameen and his friends are up to, the event may be a vehicle for covering it up. Which must be why he was so eager to turn them and any other potential participants away.

No wonder he sent them to an old dig site in the completely different direction from the one they were looking for!



That night, as they are all having a light fire-roasted meal before heading to their tents, Cherry notes, “You know what I don’t understand? Why did that guy try so hard to keep us out of the dig site if there was barely anything there, anyways?”

“I don’t think that was the real site,” Damaris frowns. “Ameen fully intended to turn us away, but when the three of us started making trouble and proving him wrong, I think he decided it would be easy to just send us to the already emptied site, rather than waste the time and the energy arguing with us.”

“Oh, I’m so glad you thought so too,” Sid exhales. “Seriously, that guy was acting sketchy. Not just everyday person sketchy, but the caught red-handed criminal in the questioning room sketchy.”

“How would you know what a criminal in the questioning room looks like?” Cherry asks suspiciously.

“He’s a police officer,” Damaris explains.

“Oh, ok. For a moment there, I thought you were…” she drifts off.

“A criminal myself?” Sid laughs. “No, not in the slightest!”

“And what about you? What do you do?” Damaris asks. Initially, she took the girl to be a treasure hunter, but since that was her first time at a dig site, her initial hunch didn’t add up.

“I’m a firefighter. So, if any sort of emergency comes up, you can count on me,” she tells them.

“It might come up,” Sid voices, quietly. “I don’t think Ameen’s behavior is the only sketchy thing happening around here.”

“What do you mean?” Cherry frowns.

“Whoever was in the tomb before us didn’t take the broken vases – could be someone looking to add to their collection,” Damaris explains. “An actual academic wouldn’t ignore something ancient just because it’s broken. I think Ameen might have been keeping the real information for whoever searched the tomb before us. That might have been the plan and we messed with it by showing up.”

“Is this even legal?” Cherry’s question makes the other two frown harder.

“No. Especially not if there is an official event happening, open to all. But people always find ways to circumvent the law,” Sid explains. 

“And bribes are a big thing in the world of antiques,” Damaris sighs. “Anyways, it’s late now, we should sleep. Cherry, are you sure you want to stick with us after today? If Sid and I are right, this can get dangerous.”

“I’m in. I didn’t come here to back out just because some event organizer isn’t playing fair.”

“Alright, then! We wake up early – I think I know how to find the real dig site.”
