First picture is for @anitmb . Tested and everything works like it should with no problem. Regarding the sound. Listen to the sounds when a sims pumps iron on the exercise machine. Could be a good alternative if you can’t get the  TSM sound file to work.

I’ll be glad to add more items that can be crafted. But for now the Anvil will be a nice addition to my scrapyard lot.

Second picture is for @hyperkaos. Intersection with light snow.

I think this is 21 Broadway. Spent most of the afternoon looking at Google Maps in NY under the bridge. The plan will be to make it a combo lot. And since it’s a big lot I’ll put the photography studio here. That way if I need to do some impromptu picture taking I can just pop over to the lot. Still working out the layout. But it’s a start.

See @hyperkaos it’s just a bunch of squares and rectangles. I’ll most likely change the top levels so they are different and not the same as the lower levels. This one though is under the bridge and most likely going to make me nauseous with all the bumpity bumping. Lol.

Edit – Don’t forget another gift will be available tomorrow at 9am.


replied to your photoset “I feel like I do the weirdest stuff sometimes. lol  So…I replaced the…”

OMG my friend you are in another dimension! This is So Clever™ I wanna see how it goes!

Lol! Thank you my friend. I have all the bizarro ideas. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. 😉

replied to your photoset “I feel like I do the weirdest stuff sometimes. lol  So…I replaced the…”

I still think you need a line of electric chairs as row seats to watch the movies… lol

replied to your photoset “I feel like I do the weirdest stuff sometimes. lol  So…I replaced the…”

I mean I don’t understand how it’s supposed to wrk

I think the object looks good, but I have to be honest, it doesn’t make sense to me, sorry

The screen part doesn’t show until you turn it on. So you need an object to click for all the options – turn on, change channels, work out, etc. It’s not like the tv where the screen is part of the object. 

Would a light switch be better or what would you suggest? Let me know.


replied to your photo “And with the regular wall version that has Treeag’s storage script.”

Omg I love this idea! (Not the bugs, the WA use)

My brain is on fire with ideas! Now to see if I can actually pull some of it off. 😉

replied to your video “When your wall safe collects more than just dust… Lol! @tumblinrob…”


Lol! Since I’m going all retro 😛 Right back at ya! 😛

Oh and here’s how it looks in TSRW.

Not totally accurate for the Beast box advert part. But it’s the best high-res image I could find. I think that will be it for the realness. I’ll do Simlish for the rest of the presets. Found some basic labels that will do nicely with some different fonts.